November 2011
Sprinkler Blowouts For The Boise Final Four On Sunday
I really wanted to be finished with sprinkler blowouts in Boise on Saturday, but because of a few systems with problems, I got a little behind. One took me 20 minutes to shut down because of a really bad water leak at the main. I couldn't pump the leaking water out of the tubes fast […]
Down To The Last In Sprinkler Blowouts
There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I hope to finish my remaining sprinkler blowouts all around on Saturday. I have 8 to finish in the Boise 83709, 2 in other areas of Boise, 1 in Garden City, and 1 in Meridian. The two sprinkler blowouts I have not done in Boise […]
Sprinkler Blowouts Will Continue On Friday
I made a really good hole in my sprinkler blowouts list on Wednesday. I currently only have 5 left in Meridian, 4 in Garden City, and 11 in Boise, for a total of 20 sprinkler blowouts left to do. Friday I will be finishing up the remainder of sprinkler blowouts in Meridian and Garden […]