Sprinkler Blowout Stats
Our sprinkler blowout stats will show here from year to year
2020 Sprinkler Blowout Stats
Here are our sprinkler blowout stats for the 2020 blowout season. The stats will update automatically whenever changes are made in our office whether it be new requests or marking ones completed. We are still having trouble showing the entire chart on our blog for cell phones, but it works fine for desktop computers and […]
2018 Sprinkler Blowout Stats
This is our current stats for the 2018 sprinkler blowout season. We completed over 1,100 blowouts last season, so I expect we will top that this year. Especially since we now have three machines running. The “Contained” column shows us the percentage of the particular zip code that has been completed so we can better […]