October 2015
Halloween Sprinkler Blowouts
We finished up our current list of sprinkler blowouts in Star except for one that we are waiting on our customer to find the shut-off valve. We also took care of half of our Kuna list yesterday, so will be finishing it up today and moving on the the Meridian 83646 for several days. Every […]
Oops It Happened Again
Another interesting day in sprinkler blowouts. Made it to Melba and finished a sprinkler blowout and then headed to Emmett. At the top of the hill going down into Emmett the tire on my compressor felt the need to burst, again. If anyone knows the area, it is not a good place to be stranded. […]
Schedule Change For Sprinkler Blowouts
We completed all the Nampa sprinkler blowouts we had in the 83686 and 83687 except for one which had a locked gate. We will try that one again the next time we swing through Nampa along with any new ones we have picked up from the area. Since we had some problems at some of […]