Sprinkler Blowouts For Monday, December 2, 2024

Yes, we’re still handling blowouts on a case-by-case basis! Our primary list was wrapped up just before Thanksgiving, but we’ve received a few new requests here and there. As of December 1, the price increased by $10 for NEW requests, as it does every year. So far, we haven’t received any new requests this month; the ones we’re currently addressing came in over the holiday weekend. We are also actively working on other service requests as well.

With over 8,000 readers a month, I wanted to share this story to give customers a glimpse into some of the challenges we face throughout the year—particularly during sprinkler blowout season. Thankfully, incidents like these are rare. Out of nearly 10,000 work orders annually, situations like this occur about a dozen times, and they’ve always involved new customers rather than our long-standing or repeat clients.

We were fortunate to welcome many new customers this year, and we hope to see them return next year. We’re incredibly grateful for our loyal customers, some of whom have been with us for over 25 years. Your continued trust and support mean the world to us!

This is regarding Shaunie in Meridian (yes, I’m naming her since she publicly aired her grievances on Google Reviews). Ironically, she lives on the same street as one of my closest friends of nearly 30 years.

Shaunie was upset about issues that were entirely within her control but that she failed to address:

  1. Claim: We didn’t call her to make an appointment.
    Fact: This is clearly covered in the first two lines of our terms of service. We don’t make calls during sprinkler blowouts, and we don’t make appointments.
  2. Claim: She didn’t receive her confirmation email.
    Fact: As outlined in our terms, she didn’t follow up to confirm whether we received it.
  3. Fact: She didn’t cancel after receiving the notification text the night before our scheduled visit.

Unfortunately, these oversights were her responsibility, yet she chose to blame us. Our terms of service are in place to prevent misunderstandings like this, and we encourage all customers to familiarize themselves with them.

As many of our readers know, here’s how the process works: we arrived at the property, no one was home, so we proceeded with the scheduled sprinkler blowout.

Three weeks later, I received a text from Shaunie asking us to cancel the invoice, claiming she had already had the blowout done sometime in October. However, we have photographic evidence of the blowout being completed, including water from the sprinkler heads on the driveway during the process.

Given these facts, I declined to cancel the invoice.

That’s when everything escalated. We were accused of being a scam, of running this supposed scam on others, and both our company and I were called a “Dick” (her exact words in her Google review). “Scam” seems to be the first weird out of people’s mouths nowadays when something doesn’t go their way. Have you noticed that?

Unfortunately, the old saying “the customer is always right” doesn’t hold up these days. That motto originated in a time when people treated service providers and businesses with mutual respect rather than attempting to shift blame or exploit the situation. Sadly, we’ve shifted into a society where personal accountability often takes a back seat to point fingers.

The only silver lining to this story, at least for us, is that she did pay her invoice—likely to avoid the lien we would have placed on the property otherwise. Regardless, a payment is a payment.

Now, I can only hope she has a conversation with whoever supposedly performed her blowout before we arrived. Based on the photo we took while on her property, it’s clear that they didn’t do a very thorough job.

We occasionally receive bad reviews, but they’ve never been about the quality of our work. Instead, they stem from a lack of accountability on the part of some customers. Many of our long-time clients have expressed their frustration about the unfair treatment we sometimes face and wish there were a way to respond directly to these reviews on Google to set the record straight.

We truly appreciate the support from customers who have come to our defense on platforms like Facebook and Yelp—it means a lot! While Google doesn’t offer a direct way to comment on reviews, the continued 5-star ratings and positive feedback from our happy customers do a fantastic job drowning out the occasional negativity.

If you’d like to share your thoughts, please comment here. We value and welcome public feedback from our loyal and satisfied customers!

Thanks for listening. Now, on to today’s route:

Jesse with “Cyclone”

Jewel Way
S Arno Way
S Camas St
S Dedication Way
W Hearst Dr
W Talamore Dr
N Lark Pl
N Mirth Pl
W Gate House Ct – Roof and gutter cleanout
S Merrimac Ave
S Selatir Way – Dryer vent cleanout

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Sprinkler Blowouts For Tuesday, December 3, 2024

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