We received many comments regarding the situation I shared on Monday involving a customer. Unfortunately, most responses were unkind and inappropriate to share publicly. While I truly appreciate everyone taking the time to engage, I want to maintain a respectful tone in our discussions. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Yesterday, we experienced system issues that prevented us from completing the route as planned. Additionally, we received three new requests, which have been added to today’s route, along with a few work orders.
Occasional system challenges are expected, which is one reason for the price adjustment that took effect on December 1. Another factor is the increased distance between blowouts, making performing them less cost-effective than our previous rates.
Here is the route for today:
Jesse With “Cyclone”
S Camas St – Blowout
N Madrone Ave – Blowout
W Blackhawk Dr – Blowout
S Merrimac Ave – Blowout
W Canal St – Bath sink repair
W Pembrook Dr – Blowout
N Mirth Pl – Blowout
E Meadow Wood St – Circuit breaker issue
W Ravenna St – Blowout
W Gate House Ct – Gutter cleanout
I’ll continue posting updates here for a little while longer, but eventually, we’ll transition back to directly contacting customers on our route as we normally do, rather than sharing updates on this blog. Thank you for staying tuned!